Wednesday, April 16, 2008


  • There is a ban on chewing gum in singapore?the reason behind this is that it spoils the surroundings..
  • after sun sets,it is banned to sing aloud such that others can hear?This is implemented in the hawaai islands..
  • BBC radio broadcasting has begun in 1922?
  • in Russia,whether it is an occasion of a marriage or someone's death,there is a ritual of giving flower bokays..But if its an occasion of a marriage the number of flowers in the bokay must be an even number..
  • a person who lives for 70 yrs consumes 5000 litres of drinking water..?
  • a diamond turns into vapour if heated to 1405 degree farenheit?
  • skin is the largest organ in human body? it spans nearly 25 sq.feet for an average sized person..
  • one fourth of the bones in the human body appear in the feet of a person..?
  • the first man in the world to run a lending library was benjamin franklin..?
  • the fear for death is called as 'necrofobia'?
  • the first three industries responsible for environmental pollution are iron,steel and cement?
  • a kangaroo kid is called joy?
  • vitamin C can be found in plenty in strawberry than an orange?
  • a human eye can differentiate 1 crore colours?
  • there are 17 different species of penguin?
  • there is a rule made by the american congress in 1832 according to which a person should be without any food for a day in a year.Neither the people followed that nor the government imposed any punishment for not following the rule.
  • noodles were made in china 40 thousand years back?
  • a small cat which is just born can neither see nor hear?
  • a man who got 4 gold medals in berlin olympics in 1936,later has to race with horses for his being in this world?That man is none other than jessy owens of america..
  • INDIA is the country having largest number of post offices..
  • prior to 1896,diamonds are distributed across the world from INDIA(according to gemological institue of america)
  • the first monument to be made of granite is in INDIA?its the brihadishwaraalay in took 80 tonnes of granite to construct this temple..
  • the organisation having largest number of emloyees in the world is the INDIAN RAILWAYS?It is serving over 10 lack employees.
  • the game of chess was invented by indians?
  • INDIA has 3 lack masjid's?..No other muslim country or territory has these many masjid's.
  • INDIA has not occupied any other country since 5000 years.
  • Oak trees are the most affected to thunders?
  • the smallest word which can be made from a,b,c,d,e,f is 'feedback'?
  • sonia gandhi gets more than thousand letters a month?
  • mclaren,mclean the person who acted in the marlboro man,eventually died due to lung cancer?
  • people with beard used to pay seperate tax in Russia during peter the greats empire?
  • there is an allowence in america,according to which people can have their own names to mountains which previously did not have any name?
  • the only year which looks same whether looked from top or bottom is '1961'..the other year is 6009.
  • the fingers of people who work a full day on a keyboard tend to move a distance of 12 miles?
  • 10% of the land in the world is occupied by the himalayan mountains?
  • the most shiniest city when vied from the space is Las vegas?
  • the largest frog is the goliat frog,which grows for 34cms?
  • vatican city occupies only 109 acres?
  • compared to cow's milk, a camel's milk has 10% more iron?
  • the rule of seat belt in a car was brought first time in 1984 in new york..
  • the reel of a 60 min audio cassette will be 565 feet long?